Track Delta Scraper Manure Removal System | Effective Farm Solution

Manure Removal Scraper System

Track Delta Scraper Manure Removal System

Track Delta Scraper Manure Removal System. A guiding track, resistant to stretching, is installed on the floor. A scraper and a gear mechanism are installed on it. The track can be either level with the floor or raised. The massive scraper is made of hot-dip galvanized metal and has a service life of 20 years. The rambokx is a housing inside which there are hydraulic cylinders that push the track, which in turn pushes the scraper. The power station can be either analog or digital. One analog station serves from 1 to 6 manure lanes. Digital - up to 8 alleys. The standard length served by one station is up to 150 meters.


Our manure removal systems are designed with a focus on maximum productivity, durability, and animal safety, providing the best working conditions for farmers and comfort for livestock.

Additional Sources of Income

Maximum Savings

The system requires minimal technical maintenance, providing significant time and resource savings.

Modern Cow Care Methods

Flexibility and Versatility

The system is suitable for all types of farms and can be adapted to individual needs.

Experience and Expertise

Care for Animals

The system is designed with the safety and well-being of animals in mind, minimizing the risk of injuries.

Adaptation and Flexibility

Efficient Space Utilization

The compact design allows you to save space on the farm and increase its effective use.

Considering these advantages, our track delta scraper manure removal system will become a valuable contribution to the development of your agricultural enterprise, improving productivity and sanitation levels.