Cattle Farm for 600 Head Turnkey | Comprehensive Solutions for Dairy Farming

Cattle Farm for 600 Head Turnkey

Cattle Farm for 600 Head

Cattle Farm for 600 Head Turnkey. Our farm is a masterpiece of design and a harmonious space where every detail is imbued with care for animals, efficiency, and respect for the environment. A cattle farm for 600 head turnkey is your unique opportunity to create not just a farm but a true place for growth, prosperity, and harmony with nature. Welcome to the future of top-class dairy industry!

Key Features:



The annual milk production is impressive - 6,480 tons. This formidable result speaks to the high efficiency of our production.

Ideal Conditions for Cows

Ideal Conditions for Cows

The capacity of our stalls and barns ensures maximum comfort for 723 cows. Of these, 589 are milking cows, and 56 spaces are designated for preventive calves.

Average Annual Yield per Cow

Average Annual Yield per Cow

9,150 kg – a result of care, labor, and professionalism, evident in every drop of milk.

Advanced Equipment

Advanced Equipment

We have equipped the farm with double milking machines, ensuring high efficiency in the milking process.

Outstanding Yield

Outstanding Yield

The average annual yield per cow is 9,150 kg. This emphasizes the high quality of our herd and care for the animals.

Rational Nutrition

Rational Nutrition

The feed consumption per 100 kg of milk is 85 feed units. This indicates a balanced diet for our herd.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Electricity consumption is limited to 150 kW, reflecting our care for the environment and rational use of resources.

Balanced Water Regime

Balanced Water Regime

Water consumption at the level of 50 m³/day ensures an optimal drinking regime for the herd.

Economical Fuel

Economical Fuel

Fuel consumption depends on conditions and is always within the bounds of efficient economy.

Yield and Green Pastures

Yield and Green Pastures

About 1,200 hectares provide excellent opportunities for seeding and diverse pastures, ensuring quality nutrition for the animals.

Space and Convenience

Space and Convenience

Our land areas are extensive – 7 hectares. This provides the necessary space for the comfortable accommodation and development of all farm components.

Team of Professionals

Team of Professionals

In our team, 26 experienced specialists work, ensuring the effective and uninterrupted operation of the farm.

Comprehensive Equipment Supply for Dairy Farms "Turnkey Solution"

Our comprehensive supply includes everything necessary for the efficient operation of a modern dairy farm, providing a full range of services from construction to herd management:

  • - Milking and Dairy Block with Offices
  • - Cowshed for 346 Heads with Dry and Calving Sections
  • - Cow Heat Detection System
  • - Cowshed for 377 Livestock Places
  • - Calf Hut Canopy 18m*30m
  • - Silage Pits
  • - Shelters for Hay and Straw
  • - 60-Ton Weighbridges
  • - Frame Disinfection Barrier for Vehicle Treatment
  • - Agricultural Machinery Set
  • - Parking and Rest Area
  • - Farm Area Landscaping
  • - Disinfection Barriers x 2 pcs
  • - Transformer Substation
  • - Artisan Well
  • - Water Tower
  • - Fire Reservoir
  • - Grease Traps

Cow Housing

Group, loose, box housing on straw bedding provides comfort and health for cows, contributing to increased productivity.

Cow Feeding

Feeding from a feed table with free access. Individual automated dosing of up to half of the daily allowance of concentrated feed in the milking parlor promotes proper nutrition and the health of the dairy herd.

Calculation of Livestock Housing Needs:

Product Name Housing Period (days) Turnover Coefficient Number of Livestock Places
Milk Production Facility 305 1.20 291
Dry Section 50 7.30 48
Calving Section 10 36.50 10
TOTAL: 365 348
Calf Prophylaxis up to 1 Month 30 12.16 28

Other Dairy Farm Characteristics:

Our services cover the entire range of infrastructure solutions for dairy farms:

  • Water Supply - ensuring reliable and clean water supply according to technical conditions.
  • Sewage - efficient systems for production and stormwater drainage, including grease traps and unorganized stormwater disposal.
  • Heating - autonomous boiler heating to maintain optimal farm temperatures.

The requirements for the construction and architectural solutions of our dairy farms comply with the latest regulations. We use modern materials with excellent thermal insulation properties, preventing condensation, ensuring ease of sanitation, and safety for both people and animals.

Milking and Dairy Unit on a Dairy Farm

Innovative Milking and Dairy Unit

The heart of a dairy and livestock farm is the milking and dairy unit. Advanced technologies are applied here for milking, milk collection, herd management, selection, and supplementary feeding, which contribute to increased efficiency and productivity.

Additional Facilities in the Milking and Dairy Unit:

  • Veterinary Treatment Area
  • Breeding Section
  • Identification and Selection Laboratory (PIS)
  • Milk Laboratory
  • Boiler Room
  • Milking and Cleaning Room
  • Vacuum Pump Room
  • Auxiliary Rooms
  • Gallery for Connection to Cowsheds

Building Specifications:

  • Building Area: 1,210 m²
  • Construction Volume: 4,140 m³
  • Framework: Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete (column spacing 9.6m)
  • External Walls: Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete
  • Roofing: Insulated, Asbestos Cement Sheets
  • Floors: Reinforced, Concrete
  • Roof: Insulated, Asbestos Cement Sheets

The complex is equipped with a complete and sufficient set of engineering networks, structures, and equipment:

  • Electricity Supply, Grounding
  • Lighting
  • Water Supply
  • Heating: Standby – steel registers; Main – water radiators
  • Sewerage
  • Ventilation: Forced Supply and Exhaust

Efficient Cow Milking Methods

Cattle Farm Play

Our milking system, known as the "Parallel Double," provides three-time milking with maximum productivity and precise milk quality control. The use of advanced milking technologies helps improve herd health and increase productivity.

  • Productivity: Up to 350 cows per hour.
  • Operating Personnel: 2 operators per shift.
  • Water Consumption for Cleaning: 2400 liters.
  • Energy Consumption: 55 kWh.

Comprehensive Milking Equipment

Our milking complex includes everything necessary for a modern and efficient milking process.

Innovative Stall Equipment

Specially designed stall layouts ensure comfortable and quick milking, as well as calm behavior of cows. The galvanized steel border edging simplifies cleaning and maintaining cleanliness.

Innovative Stall Equipment for Cow Milking

Milking System

Our milking machines use a simultaneous pulsation system (4x0), where all four teats are milked simultaneously. Thanks to this, a larger portion of milk is collected in the collector for each milking cycle, allowing us to obtain 5% more milk from the same cows than traditional systems (2x2).

The "floating" vacuum level in milking machines with a simultaneous pulsation system allows for milking cows on average 1 minute faster, providing a full teat rest phase, ensuring stress-free milking, preventing udder irritation, and avoiding diseases in animals.

Made of high-strength hygienic materials, our milking machine allows achieving high yields, animal comfort, fast milking, and low teat slippage. All of this leads to a healthier herd, increasing our clients' profits.

Milking System

Automatic Milking Machine Removal System

The automatic milking machine removal system continuously monitors the milk flow during milking. When milking is completed, the vacuum is turned off, and the milking machine is disconnected from the cow.

Modern milking system with simultaneous pulsation

Pulsation System

The digital pulsation system provides a gentle massage of the udder teats, making the vacuum level at the end of the teat almost equivalent to the way a calf sucks on the udder. Our pulsation system is recognized as a leader in terms of reliability, stable operation, and ease of maintenance.

Pulsation System

Main Milk Line

Stainless steel milk pipeline with a milk receiver equipped with a level control system. The advantage of the milk receiver with a transparent dome-shaped cover is the ability to observe the milk inflow and the cleaning process of the milk receiver.

Milk Pump

Centrifugal milk pumps are equipped with multi-blade impellers, providing several advantages, including highly efficient pumping at different speeds due to the unique blade design and gentler milk transport.

Milk Pump

Stainless Steel Milk Filter

The filter prevents foreign materials from entering the plate heat exchanger and, subsequently, the milk tank, thereby improving the efficiency of their use.

Stainless Steel Milk Filter

Additional Milk Line

A line for "non-commercial" milk that separates milk by grades during milking, allowing different grades of milk to be delivered without mixing it in one milk cooling tank.

- milk pipeline

- milk receiver included

- liquid level monitoring system in the milk receiver

- drainage valve

400L Pasteurizer

Used for pasteurizing non-commercial milk and subsequent feeding to calves. It results in significant cost savings by reducing expenses on powdered milk due to the use of second-grade milk.

It promotes the healthy and natural development of calves thanks to immunoproteins found in disinfected maternal milk.

It increases body weight gain in a shorter period.

Milk Pipeline and Equipment Flushing System

The Jet Stream reactive washing system creates a reactive flow of water and air for effective cleaning of milk pipelines and milking machines, ensuring perfect cleanliness and hygiene.

Milk Pipeline and Equipment Flushing System

Reactive Milk Pipeline Flushing System

- Control unit

- Flushing system tank assembly with a pump

- Pump motor

- Electromagnetic valve

After milking each cow, purified air is passed through the system, expelling milk residues into the milk receiver. Up to 25 liters of milk can remain in the system's tubes, which the system successfully collects. This solution is used in conjunction with automatic flushing, expelling residual water.

Reactive Milk Pipeline Flushing System

Automatic Washing System for Milking Equipment

The automatic washing system allows for labor-saving cleaning of the milking-milk block. It includes:

- Washing machine

- Power supply unit

- Controller

- Level sensor

- Detergent intake device

Vacuum System

The type of vacuum pump used is a plate hydraulic machine, the most reliable solution on the market. It includes:

- Vacuum pump

- Electric motor

- Vacuum pipeline (stainless steel)

- Vacuum regulator

- Sanitary tank (trap) with a valve

Pneumatic System

It includes:

- Compressor unit with a reservoir

- Pneumatic tubing

Milk Cooling Tanks

The milk cooling system plays a crucial role in any dairy farm. It's not enough to just obtain the product; it needs to be delivered to processing plants without deteriorating its quality.

Main features and advantages:

- High level of reservoir hygiene thanks to an intelligent cleaning system with the option to choose the optimal cleaning mode.

- Enhanced control of the cooling tank's operation through an intelligent control system.

- Remote monitoring and control via SMS messages and applications.

- 20% increased insulation, reducing energy consumption.

- Optimized detergent consumption thanks to automatic dosing.

- High-quality milk filtration due to an improved filtration system.

- The option to choose the optimal cooling mode.

- High reliability and a long service life.

The cooling system control software guarantees easy access to key functions and provides quick access to the necessary information. The control panel features quick access buttons that activate the cooling system, along with a large LCD screen displaying milk level, temperature, time, current mode information, and signal strength.

Milk Cooling Tanks

Herd Management System

Our herd management system is a powerful automation tool that provides you with instant information about the state of your farm. It's an essential tool for analyzing information and managing many systems, individual to each animal. At the heart of this system is an identification chip that records data such as milk quantity, milking duration, milk flow, and more. This allows you to analyze the data and make informed decisions on each individual animal.

Herd Management System

Additional Feeding:

Additional feeding - targeted distribution of concentrated feeds during animal milking. An automated feeding control system with the dispensing of mixed feed during milking for each animal according to their individual daily milk yield allows for an average daily productivity increase of 1.6 liters of milk per animal and a savings of 1 kg/day of concentrates per animal.

The automatic feeding system for concentrates in the milking parlor includes:

- Feed bunker

- Feed troughs

- Frame set

- Feed dosing device controller

- Electric motor with starter

- Feed dosing device (motor, auger, control board)

- Distribution hoppers

- Power supply for dosing device motors

Main Cowshed

The main cowshed is equipped with separate areas for the dry period, calving section, and calf section. Due to efficient air exchange in the cowshed, animals can be kept without access to a walking area, resulting in cost savings on the construction of outdoor paddocks.

Main Cowshed

- Estimated number of livestock places: 346

- Building area: 3,110.4 m2

- Building size (including manure pit): 32.4 m x 105.6 m

- Construction volume: 21,675 m3

- Air volume per animal: 62,645 m3

- Area of ventilation (window) openings: not less than 250 m2

- Frame: prefabricated reinforced concrete

- Exterior walls: prefabricated reinforced concrete

- Floor coverings: prefabricated reinforced concrete

- Floors: reinforced concrete

- Roof: insulated, asbestos cement sheet

- An adjustable aerated ridge is provided along the entire length of the building

- Gates with a wicket gate

- Technological fencing

Engineering Networks:

Full and sufficient equipment with a set of engineering networks, structures, and equipment.

- Electrical supply and grounding

- Lighting equipment

- Water supply

- Sewerage

- Ventilation: general exchange, supply and exhaust with natural induction. Inlet and exhaust are regulated through opening windows in wall panels and daylight hatches located along the ridge of the building, using remote control.

Additional Cowshed

The main cowshed is equipped with separate areas for dry cows, maternity ward, and a section for calf rearing. Thanks to a full air exchange in the cowshed, animals can be kept without outdoor access. As a result, it saves investment in the construction of outdoor areas.

Building Parameters:

Estimated number of cattle places: 377

Building area: 3,110.4 m2

Building dimensions (including manure pit): 32.4m x 105.6 m

Construction volume: 21,675 m3

Air volume per animal: 57.5 m3

Ventilation (window) area: at least 250 m2

Framework: prefabricated reinforced concrete

Exterior walls: prefabricated reinforced concrete

Roofing: insulated, corrugated sheet

Floors: reinforced concrete

Aeration adjustable ridge along the entire length of the building

Doors with a small door

Technological fencing

The complex is equipped with a complete and sufficient set of engineering networks, structures, and equipment:

- Electrical supply, grounding

- Lighting

- Water supply

- Heating: standby - steel radiators; main - water heaters

- Sewerage

- Ventilation - forced supply and exhaust

Engineering Networks:

Complete and sufficient provision with a set of engineering networks, structures, and equipment.

Electrical supply and grounding

Lighting equipment

Water supply


Ventilation: general exchange, supply and exhaust with natural induction. Inflow and exhaust are regulated through opening windows in wall panels and light-aeration lanterns located along the ridge of the building, controlled remotely.

Main Operations:

For hot countries, alternative metal execution is possible:



From the feeding table. Proper feed mixture enhances the beneficial properties of each component. We compensate for the lack of nutrients in one feed with their excess in another. This way, the animal receives a complete complex of necessary substances.


Water troughs with water circulation, ensuring a water temperature for animal watering not below 15°C in winter. Animal watering is done with drinking water from group trough-type automatic drinkers with water circulation and heating.

Manure Removal

Manure removal is carried out by automated scraper systems into a manure pit, providing a 10-day storage period. After that, the solid fraction is unloaded by a front loader onto field manure storage facilities.

Timely removal of manure is one of the mandatory conditions for maintaining a favorable microclimate for animals in livestock farm buildings. This significantly improves the air quality by reducing the ammonia content, thus ensuring cleanliness and comfortable conditions for cows.

Calf Shelter

Building size: 10m x 30m. Standard equipment includes:

Calf shelters: 28 units

Weighing scales for animals

Calf Shelter
Calf Shelters
Animal Weighing Scales

Agricultural Machinery

LLC "Bugatti Srl" is a supplier of the most modern and efficient agricultural machines in the field of dairy farming.

Field-tested, adapted to the conditions of local agricultural producers, the offered machines will help take your enterprise to a new level of productivity and profitability.

Corn Seeder

Universal precision pneumatic corn seeder with 6 rows (for corn sowing), row spacing 75 cm, with disc coulters of the seeding section - can be attached to MTZ 82 (80 hp).

It is equipped with disc/anchor coulters for fertilizer application, a system for monitoring seeding for each row, counting the number of seeds per hectare, a hectare counter, a seeding distance indicator, and row exclusion.

Corn Seeder

Grain Seeder

The Mascar implement is designed for sowing all types of seeds, ranging in size from 1 to 10 mm (flax, wheat, rye, barley, oats, peas, lupins, vetch, soy, sorghum, rapeseed, clover, ryegrass, alfalfa, clover, etc.), both on minimally processed soils and directly without prior preparation (on stubble).

It can be attached to the MTZ 3022 tractor.

Grain Seeder


The MS-120 is compatible with the MTZ 1221 (120 hp) tractor.

"Mascar" balers with increased compaction are designed for collecting rolls of hay, straw, and silage, compressing them into bales, and wrapping them with twine or net. The baler is made under license from Feraboli S.p.A. This technology allows for wrapping bales in film after compression for longer preservation of feed nutrients.

The baler forms rolls with a diameter of 120 cm. It can compress not only hay and straw but also dried mass with a moisture content of up to 50%.


Bale Wrapper

The bale wrapper with film tensioner and circular motion is equipped with two driven rollers, allowing it to wrap even poorly formed bales. It is easily maneuverable and suitable for small spaces, hilly terrain, limited or hard-to-reach areas. It delivers excellent results on sloping terrain and can wrap bales with a diameter of 100 to 500 cm and weighing up to 1000 kg. Loading and unloading of the bale is done gently, thanks to the opening and closing of the rollers.

Bale Wrapper

Grain Crusher

The hammer grain crusher is designed for grinding seeds of rye, wheat, barley, corn with a moisture content of up to 50%, as well as finely ground corn silage in compliance with zoohygiene standards - without protein loss. This technology is an excellent alternative to drying and crushing grain, processes that require high labor and energy costs. The mill is highly reliable and ensures complete operator safety.

Grain Crusher

Straw Chopper

A distributor of straw and hay for making bedding, as well as for feeding on the feed table for animals. Thanks to two mechanically driven shafts, it allows easy splitting of any type of used product: round and square bales of hay or straw, various packaging with wet straw and hay.

Straw Chopper