About company Bugatti Srl

About company

about company

Leading Innovation Provider. Bugatti Srl is the official distributor of the Dairymaster company and occupies leading positions in the market of equipment and technologies for dairy farms. We provide comprehensive solutions, designed specifically to improve performance and comfort on dairy farms. We pay special attention to scientific research, to develop advanced technologies that help farmers achieve the highest yields and ensure care for the health of animals. We understand the importance of convenience for staff and care to ensure that our equipment is intuitive and efficient.

Our innovations not only increase productivity, but also ensure comfort and well-being for cows and goats. We proudly support dairy farms, helping them achieve better results and create the future of modern dairy production.

Our Goals:

- To build the most modern livestock farms in the world

- To produce milking parlors and agricultural machinery using the latest technological developments

- To implement efficient energy-saving feeding and animal housing technologies on livestock farms

- To provide the best solutions to our customers

How we are working

How we are working